Member of Voices for a Healthy SouthCoast were joined by representative of other agencies and local government offices in the auditorium of the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park visitors' center on February 22, 2011 to hear representatives of Groundwork USA describe their program. Groundwork  trusts are non-profit organizations established across the country that work to foster and awaken the potential of declining neighborhoods by improving their physical environment and helping them gain a renewed sense of place, opportunity, and pride. National Park Service representative Steve Golden and Groundwork Somerville executive director Jennifer Lawrence described how the program works and the steps that a group in the Southcoast would have to take to apply to become a new Groundwork project. "We're eager to explore the possibility of establishing a group in the Southcoast that could take advantage of the network of national resources to help us realize a number of environmental improvements in our communities," commented New Bedford Mass in Motion coordinator Pauline Hamel who worked with Park superintendent Jennifer Nersesian to organize the meeting. Click here to see photos of a meeting in Fall River of a meeting with representatives of Groundwork Lawrence organized earlier this year by Fall River Mass in Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly. For learn more about this inquiry, contact New Bedford coordinator Pauline Hamel or Fall River coordinator Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405.  

(Top row, left) Steve Golden, Senior Resource Analyst for the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program of the National Park Service, is welcomed by VOICES co-chair and YMCA Southcoast VP of operations Nancy Bonell at the New Bedford Whaling Museum visitors' center run by the National Park Service. (Top row, center and right) New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park superintendent Jennifer Nersesian welcomes about twenty representatives of community groups and agencies to the presentation. (Middle row, left) Groundwork Somerville executive director Jennifer Lawrence describes the formation of her organization over ten years ago. (Middle row, right) Doug Evans talks about the elements that go into making a successful Groundwork organization. (Bottom row, left and center) Members of Voices for a Healthy SouthCoast who comprised a good portion of the audience look over a list of some of the activities that Groundwork projects engage in across the country. (Bottom row, right) New Bedford Mass in Motion coordinator Pauline Hamel thanks Mr. Evans for his presentation.

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