Staff at the HealthFirst Family Care Center celebrated National Nutrition Month on March 18, 2011 with a pot luck luncheon featuring a variety of tasty and healthy dishes. 'We do this every year," commented WIC Health and Nutrition Community Coordinator Lisa Alves, "and everyone enjoys it." Local legislators and City Councilors are invited each year to join in the festivities and to learn about the importance of supporting program like Women, Infants and Children Health and Nutrition Program  that operates out of the Center on County Street. A particular concern at the Center is the rising incidence of childhood obesity in Fall River. National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign sponsored by the American Dietetic Association. The campaign is designed to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Click here for a brief video of the event. Click here for photos of the event in 2008. For more information about services offered by HealthFirst, call Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison at 774-627-1204.

(Top row, center) WIC Health and Nutrition Community Coordinator Lisa Alves welcomes staff and guests in the community meeting room at HealthFirst. (Top row, right) Medical assistant Betty Nunes greets Lisa at the door. (Middle row, left) City Councilors Eric Poulin and Ray Mitchell pause for a photo. (Middle row, right) Director of Community Relations and Development Paula Harrison, volunteer receptionist Lindsey Almond, and CEO Julie Almond enjoy the conversation. (Bottom row, center) Julie Almond invites Uma Kolli, MD, to join the line.

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