The second of three Neighborhood Fund Days took place at Kennedy Park on July 13, 2011 as part of Project Assist. The program is a cooperative venture run by the City of Fall River and SSTAR, an addiction treatment and health care center under the Community Resilience and Recovery Initiative (CRRI). Funded by a $5.6 million, four-year grant from SAMSHA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, provides counseling and treatment services for residents affected by the bad economy. One aspect of the project is to provide positive experiences, especially for those who are affected by poverty or unemployment, so a series of three Neighborhood Fun Days were planned during the summer of 2011. The first one was held on June 28th at Lafayette Park and featured free food, fun games and activities for children, and access to community resources tables. Click here for a video of the event. Click here for photos of the first event at Lafayette Park. For more information about the project, contact Paula Beaulieu at 508-837-6957.

(Top row, left) Nine-year-old Aaliyah Soto of Fall River looks back from her perch high on the climbing wall. (Top row, center and right) Tatyana Cipriano of Fall River has her face painted by Casey Tidwell of Westport and then checks the results in a mirror. (Second row, left) Eleven-year-old Emily Borges watches as turtle supplied by Animal Instincts makes its way across the grass to a leaf of lettuce. (Second row, center and right) Project Assist coordinator Paula Beaulieu describes the objectives of the program to videographer Patrick Mulgrew before resuming her duties passing out cold water to the crowd with Kendra Rossi and Ashley Almeida. (Third row, left) Seven-year-old Ricky Costa, Dominic Rego and four-year-old Veronica Jesus try tossing a ball into a net at the South Bay Early Intervention table. (Third row, center) CD-REC staff Annemarie Sharkey, Jamison Souza, Tita Tanguay and Grace Gerling take a minute from their duties cooking burgers to pose for a photo. (Third row, right) Seven Hills Behavioral Health representative Dawn Nardi offers crafts to younger children. (Bottom row) Children enjoy a tug-o-war competition organized by CD-REC staffer Jason Springer, at the far right.

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