Nearly 200 people gathered at the Kuss Middle School for the third annual Peace By Piece Summit on March 26, 2011  in order to effort to highlight the many community resources that are helping to reduce violence in all of its forms. Members of the Peaceful Coalition were featured as the keynote speakers, and workshops held throughout the day helped to promote a more peaceful community by presenting strategies, programs and policies that can address  violence prevention in Fall River. Topics included bullying, gang violence, prejudice reduction, domestic violence, inner peace, redirecting at-risk youth, self-defense, and neighborhood organizing. Presenters included Ruth Zakarin of the Katie Brown Educational Program, Fall River Police Officer John Lapointe, Peaceful Coalition advisor Tom Khoury, and members of New Bedford's Neighbors United. Planning for the event was organized by the United Neighbors Community Partnership. Click here to see all of the day's photos one at a time. Click here to see the    video of the event. Click here for photos of last year's event. For more information, contact United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, center) United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp welcomes nearly 200 people to the Kuss Middle School auditorium to open the day. (Top row, right) Staff from the Women's Center lead participants in an exercise called "If You Only Knew Me" that invites each person to reveal their own experiences while observing other who have had similar experiences. (Second row, center) Students, including Jessica Wong and Vann Chhot, enjoy the session as Fall River Police Chief Daniel Racine and Congressman Barney Frank listen from behind. (Second row, right) Suzanne Braga, Chairperson for Neighbors United in New Bedford, leads a discussion on neighborhood safety. (Third row, left and center) Jamison Souza talks with Congressman Barney Frank about the Shannon Grant as Christian McCloskey and Michael Kane listen. (Third row, right) Fall River Police Lt. Paul Bernier, Simona Lang from Maria Talks, Jessica Stein from Bikes Not Bombs, Jessica Wong and Mr. McCloskey help themselves to the food provided by Highland Luncheonette. (Fourth row) Participants choose either active dancing to music with Mike Ramos or quiet stretching in a yoga class led by Karol Benoit of Saint Anne's Hospital. (Fifth row, left and center) Brittany Nardi and Shela Carreiro listen as Rebecca Arruda from The Women's Center and Stephanie Joyal of the Katie Brown Educational Program talk about gender stereotypes. (Fifth row, right) Kaitie Chakoian of the Girls' LEAP agency leads a group on safety, self-defense and empowerment. (Bottom row, left) Corey Himes delivers a poem he wrote on the subject of peace. (Bottom row, center) Annemarie Sharkey and Derek Rossi of CD-Recreation read from "True" by Carol Michele Kaplan. (Bottom row, right) Tom Khoury performs his original composition, "Under the Sun", to close the Summit.

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