One of more than 36 Peace Poles created by 25 local organizations was "planted" at the Matthew J. Kuss Middle School on June 15, 2011. The event was one of several initiatives aimed at creating a more peaceful community by raising awareness and promoting empowerment, collaboration and connection to reduce and prevent violence. Students involved in the LEADS (Leadership for Educational Attainment Developed through Service) project based at UMass-Dartmouth worked on a Peace Pole for five weeks following the completion of a video production on fitness. The students have finished the pole put together a ceremony that they used to unveil their peace pole in the Kuss auditorium with seven classrooms present at the event. Speakers included United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp, Neighborhood Coordinator Perry Long speaking for Mayor Flanagan, and CD-REC staffer Annemarie Sharkey. Click here for the first Peace Pole planting at Griffin Park. For more information, contact either Jarrad Plante at 508-496-9284 or Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.. 

(Top row, left) LEADS coordinator Jarrad Plante opens the ceremony by describing what the LEADS group has been doing at the school. (Top row, center) United Neighbors of Fall River coordinator Wendy Garf-Lipp gives some background on peace pole plantings throughout the world and in Fall River. (Bottom row, left) Speaking for Mayor Flanagan, Neighborhood Coordinator Perry Long praises the involvement of the students in helping to make the City more peaceful. (Bottom row, center and right) Community Development Recreation staff member Annemarie Sharkey leads the students in a reading of a Peace Poem.

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