Students from the Spencer Borden Elementary School on President Avenue were invited to join a Healthy Kids Klub at an all-school rally on February 18, 2011 by principal Michael Ward and Parent Teacher Organization members Heather Borges, Pam Lebeau and Kara Magoni. Sixty students and fifteen parent volunteers have already signed up to monitor a half-mile walk to the school three days a week starting on March 2, 2011. Students who cannot make the walk will be invited to do 100 jumping jacks in the school gym before the start of school. "Spencer Borden has led the way in getting children to incorporate physical activity in their day," commented School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, "There is abundant evidence that learning is enhanced when students get some vigorous activity every day," she added. Students began this process last October by walking the 0.4 mile along Stanley Street to the School from the former Highland School on Robeson Street on International Walk to School Day. Click here to see the video of the walk. Click here to see photos of the same event at the William S. Greene Elementary School. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for the Fall River Spirit article. For more information about the program, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard. (Photos courtesy of Catherine King and the Fall River Herald News

(Top row, left) Spencer-Borden Principal Michael Ward gives final instructions before the rally to School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard and event organizer Heather Borges, herself a personal trainer and motivated mother of a Spencer Borden student. (Top row, center) NBC Television Biggest Loser finalist Jay Kruger, Kara Magoni, Heather Borges, Marcia Picard and Jay's brother, Mark, pose for a photo before the event. (Middle row, left) Kara puts the finishing touches on the sign that went up on the stage for the assembly of hundreds of students. (Middle row, right) Principal Michael Ward welcomes the students to the morning assembly. (Bottom row, left) Mark and Jay Kruger challenges the students to live a healthy lifestyle by getting at least an hour of vigorous activity each day. (Bottom row, center) Students pose for a photo with the Healthy Kids Klub poster. (Bottom row, right) Organizer Heather Borges encourages the students to sign up for the morning walks and jumping jack events.

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