Members of the BOLD (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition Teens Against Drug Abuse (TADA) appeared before the Fall River City Council Ordinance Committee on March 1, 2011 to put forward an amendment to the current tobacco sales ordinance that would restrict the sale of e-cigarettes to teens, increase the fines for sales to minors and prohibit tobacco sales in educational settings and pharmacies. In addition to the members of TADA, testimony in support of the proposal was given by a nurse, the City's director of Health and Human Services, the chairman of the Board of Health and the TADA advisor. No witnesses in opposition to the proposed ordinance appeared in person, but letters from two opponents were read aloud by Council secretary Colleen Taylor. Following a period of questions and discussion, Councilor Brad Kilby made a motion to pass the proposal to the full City Council for a vote, and Councilor Ray Mitchell seconded it. On a roll-call vote, the measure passed 3-2, with Councilors Casey and Pelletier in opposition. Click here for the Herald News story. For more information about TADA, contact SSTAR Youth Coordinator Mike Aguiar at 508-324-3598. 

(Top row, left) Geraldine Hammel, R.N. greets SSTAR Youth Coordinator Mike Aguiar before the Council Ordinance Committee hearing. (Top row, center and right) Teens Against Drug Abuse (TADA) members Amber Valentin, Ashley Galvin and Markus Watson describe the benefits of the proposal, especially on the youth of Fall River. (Middle row, left) TADA members Ashley Galvin and Jesse Wilder listen as Mr. Aguiar makes a point. (Middle row, center) Ordinance Committee members Leo Pelletier, Brad Kilby, Secretary Colleen Taylor, Chairman Eric Poolin, Ray Mitchell and Pat Casey look over the proposed change to the tobacco ordinance. (Middle row, right) Assistant City corporation council Elizabeth Pereira responds to questions from Councilor Pelletier. (Bottom row, left) Councilor Kilby moves to accept the proposal as submitted. (Bottom row, center) Standard Pharmacy owner and chair of the City's Board of Health speaks in favor of the proposal as the City's director of Health and Human Services, Henry Vaillancourt, M.D. listens. (Bottom row, right) Councilor Casey states her opposition to restricting sales in pharmacies to the TADA members as Councilor Mitchell listens.

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