Nutrition educators from the University of Massachusetts Extension Nutrition Education Program in Fall River offered their sixth cooking demonstration at the Downtown Farmers' Market on August 18, 2011 by preparing a corn chowder using fresh corn from Langwater Farm in North Easton. Nutrition educators Jessica Wilcox and Lindsey Magan demonstrated the quick and easy recipe for cameras from the.Fall River Government Channel and Healthy City videographer Patrick Mulgrew. "This is a wonderful way to enjoy all of the fresh corn that is available at good prices this time of year," reported UMass nutrition educator Jessica Wilcox, who along with Lindsey and educator Lauren O'Flynn provide the demonstrations each week. Click here for the video of the demonstration. Click here for the recipe. Click here. here, here, here and here for photos from other farmers' market cooking demonstrations by the UMass Extension nutrition educators. For more information, contact Pat Bebo at 508-675-7315.


(Top row) University of Massachusetts Extension nutrition educators Jessica Wilcox and Lindsey Magan prepare for their cooking demonstration as Amy Ponte, Stephanie Viegas, and Amy Ambroziak gather to watch. (Middle row, left) Crops grow at Langwater Farm in North Easton where the corn was purchased for the demonstration. (Bottom row, left) Videographers Patrick Mulgrew from Healthy City Fall River and Phil Sabatino of the Fall River Government Channel videotape the cooking demonstration so people who couldn't be at the market can learn how to prepare the dish. (Bottom row, center and right) Amy, Stephanie, Amy and Allison Fanning, all of the Family Service Association, enjoy sampling the chowder.


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