Following Mayor Will Flanagan’s signature, a new law banning synthetic drugs went into effect on August 31, 2012 after the City Council quickly passed emergency measures at a special meeting earlier in the day. The ban prohibits sale, display and possession of what’s termed synthetic marijuana and “bath salts” — chemically treated household products that cause a host of harmful mind and body effects and have come under scrutiny in this state and throughout the country. In addition to $300 fines upon first offense, police are authorized to prosecute and bring store-owners selling the products to the attention of city licensing boards. Following passage, Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge and began notifying local store owners of the ordinance and asked them to sign a statement that they were aware of its provisions. Click here for the Herald News article and here for the video. Click here for a two-minute video. For more information, call Marilyn Edge at 508-324- 2423.

(Top row) City Council president Linda Pereira calls for a vote on a measure to ban the sale, display and possession of what’s termed synthetic marijuana and “bath salts” following very brief discussion by Councilors Joe Camara, Dave Dennis, Brad Kilby, Mike Miozza, Ray Mitchell and Eric Poulin. (Middle row) Health and Human Services Director Henry Vaillancourt, MD, and Corporation Counsel Elizabeth Sousa hold posters describing the effects of the synthetic drugs as Councilor Ray Mitchell congratulates Dr. Vaillancourt on the passage of the ordinance. (Bottom row) Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge presents Jaqdishumar Patel, owner of the Choice Mini Mart on South Main Street, with a paper describing the new ordinance.

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