School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard invited Price Armstrong, Program Manger of MassBike in Boston to come to Fall River in order to train members of the the physical education staff in the Fall River Schools. Speaking on April 9, 2012 at the Spencer Borden School, Armstrong spent about an hour going over both the major safety points for safe bicycling as well as his approach in teaching large numbers of young children in school settings. "It's hard to get kids to think of safety," he noted, "so I get them to think about protecting their brain," which he describes as the consistency of warm butter. He also covered proper clothing, simple bicycle maintenance, and the basic rules of the road. Teachers will be expected to teach bicycle safety in their classes before the end of the school year. Click here for a video of the presentation. Click here for information about an upcoming bicycle repair program for Durfee High School students. For more information about the program, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard

(Top row) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard introduces MassBike Program Manager Price Armstrong to the physical education staff and others in the Spencer Borden gymnasium. (Middle row, left) Bristol Community College Wellness Center Director Diane Hamel, Fall River Mass in Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly, City Grantwriter Jane Dibiasio, and Safe Routes to School Coordinator Catherine King listen to Price's presentation. (Middle row, right) Physical education teachers Don Frank, Glenn Chatterton and Mike Kelly listen attentively. (Bottom row) Price goes over reflective clothing and bicycle helmet use as well as some basic bicycle mechanics as part of the presentation.

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