Hundreds of people volunteered for a day of cleaning in all sectors of the City on April 28, 2012. Dubbed "Operation Clean Sweep" by Mayor Flanagan and Fall River Park Advocates, Volunteers from neighborhood associations, schools, local employers and home owners got out on a beautiful, cool April day to pick up litter, rake and spruce up public areas. Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly was on hand to record the many hands who pulled out trash and other detritus from each location. Park Advocacy Coordinator Sandy Dennis organized more than a dozen groups who pitched in for the morning Advocates. CD-REC staff hosted a noon-time cook-out at Kennedy Park for all of the volunteers. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for a video of the event. For more information about the Urban Parks Advocates Network contact Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly at 508-324-2405. (Photos courtesy of Julianne Kelly


Operation Clean
Sweep City-wide Park Clean-up

(Top row) Two contingents from People Inc. and City Grantwriter, Jane Dibiasio, work on the South Watuppa Bike Path. (Row two) Organizers of the Day, Mayor Flanagan and Sandy Dennis pose with Neighborhood Association volunteers from Saint Anne's, Niagara, and Corky Row. (Row three) Volunteers worked to make improvements at North Park, Highland Playground, and Griffin Park (Row four) Enjoying the beautiful day after their hard work are volunteers from Saint Anne's Neighborhood Association, and workers at Kennedy and North Parks. (Row five) Volunteers included families, the Fall River Police Force, and young people. All  who will enjoy the results of their hard work. (Bottom row, left and center) Lindsay Dupuis-Hetzler kneels by a pile of the junk that came out of Crab Pond, and poses for a photo with Park Board member and new tree steward, Joe Shulenburg. 

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