Steppingstone, Inc. held its tenth annual 5K Walk for the Homeless on August 18, 2012, to raise funds for the First Step Inn at 177 North Main Street to enable it to continue to provide emergency shelter for the area's homeless population. This year's event drew dozens of participants and raised over $55,000. "This year we will be adding six new beds into the homeless shelter," noted Steppingstone Executive Director Kathleen Clark. "There's a need for another 25 beds, and, hopefully, with your help, we'll be able to do that." The annual event raises funds to provide counseling, proper nutrition, bedding and other services to help the homeless stay clean, sober and safely sheltered. Click here for a ten-minute video of the event. Click here for pictures of the last year's event and here for pictures of the 2010 event. Click here photos from the recent Homeless Connect event at Bristol Community College. .For further information or to make a donation anytime, contact Kathy Clark at 508-674-2788, Ext. 110.  

(Top row, left) Steppingstone Executive Director Kathy Schedler-Clark welcomes walkers, including ____________, Kayla Fain and Kimberly Labbate, to the tenth annual walk/run on a rainy Saturday morning. (Row two) First Step Inn director Rosa Medeiros expresses hope that the rain will hold off throughout the walk before Mike Bryant and the BMC HealthNet Plan sun lead off the walk. (Row three) Walkers Carole Fiola and __________ head down Durfee Street to Bank Street where walkers round the curve onto High Street. (Row four) Walker pass the Serendipity Heavenly Florist on High Street and the Eagle Performing Arts Center on North Main Street before runners Jill Taylor, Sissy Gagne and Kathleen King head into to the Bank Street Armory. (Bottom row) Kathy greets the walkers in the Armory gymnasium to announce the prizes and Rosa hands out pizza donated from Seth Lockhart's Domino's Pizza on South Main Street.

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