The 21st Century summer program at the William S. Greene Elementary School offers children a chance to grow their own garden over the summer months. The garden was begun during the regular school year but is tended and harvested by children who are enrolled in the summer enrichment program. Using math and science concepts, students learn how plants grow to produce healthy produce that they can eat. Students were accompanied by teacher Melanie Lima on August 16, 2012, to see what needed attention. The 21st Century summer program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. Click here for a two-minute video. For more information about the program, contact Charlotte Doyle.


(Top row, left and right) Students work on weeding and cultivating with Ms. Lima's guidance. (Top row, center) Kendra Boday and Alyssa Cabral  examine some beans that they had started on a field trip to UMass-Dartmouth earlier in the summer. (Middle and bottom rows, left) Students Isaiah Fletcher, Jeriel Molina, Olivia Carreiro and Alahdanee Odom-Colson are fascinated by a worm that they discovered in the garden. (Middle row, right) Alahdanee picks a large tomato that will ripen inside. (Bottom row, center) Donovan Gilbert, Olivia, and Alahdanee sit down to discuss what they like best about gardening. (Bottom row, right) Alexis Serniao holds some tomatoes and eggplant that the class had gathered from the garden earlier in the day.

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