Over 5,000 Fall River school children took part in the International Walk to School Day on October 3, 2012, a chance for children, parents, school teachers and community leaders to be part of a global event as they celebrate the many benefits of walking. Walkers from around the world walk to school together for various reasons — all hoping to create communities that are safe places to walk. Organized by the Partnership for a Walkable America, Walk to School Day in the USA began in 1997 as a one-day event aimed at building awareness for the need for walkable communities. In 2000, the event became international when the UK and Canada (both of which had already been promoting walking to school) and the USA joined together for the first International Walk to School Day. Growing interest in participation all over the world led the International Walk to School Committee to shifts its promotion to International Walk to School Month for the entire month of October. Click here to see a video of the walkers at each of the thirteen schools. Click here for photos of last year's walk. For more information about the program, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107. (Photos courtesy of Brittany Bertone and David Weed)

(Top two rows) Clauda Costa and Liz Gomes hand out pedometers to student before they walk the half-mile to the Henry Lord Middle School with Principal Sheryl Biss and Phys Ed teacher Jason Springer in the lead. (Row three) Doran School Phys Ed teacher Ryan Andrade leads students down Columbia Street. (Row four) School Principal Kristen Farias leads Tansey School students along Hood and Ray Streets to the school (Row five) Kids Klub organizer Heather Borges, left, leads Spencer Borden children along Stanley Street. (Row six) Fonseca school principal Teri White, center, leads the children around the school. (Row seven) Morton Middle School phys ed teacher Robert Fitzgerald leads the group around the school. (Row nine) Physical education teacher Teresa Mahjoory, center right, leads Silvia School students down Meridian Street to Wilson Road and back. (Row eleven) Mayor William Flanagan and School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard greet the student walkers at the Letourneau School.

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