Morton Middle School held its first Family Fun Expo on May 23, 2012 to engage both students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition, substance abuse and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health and fitness. Participants were offered a cooking demonstration by UMass Extension Nutrition Education Project Leader Pat Bebo, MS, RD, LDN, a group session on substance abuse by B.O.L.D. (Building Our Lives Drug-free) Coalition coordinator Craig Gaspard, and the opportunity to learn Zumba and Cumba by instructors Damaris Sullivan and Kelly and Keri Kozlowski. Participants then had the chance to speak with representatives of Bristol Community College, Community Development Re-Creation, Durfee High School summer programs, the Fall River Boys and Girls Club and Partners for a Healthier Community which was beginning its Soda-Free Summer Challenge. Click here for an eight-minute video of the event. For more information, contact Libby Phelan at Morton Middle School at 508-675-8340 or School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard st 774-319-0107.


(Top row, left) Lisa Quental, Libby Phelan, Pat Demeulen and Kirstyn Nogueira sign in Charlene Wolstenholme and Pat Abdallah at the registration table. (Top row, center) Annemarie Sharkey hands information to teachers Audrey Vieira and Marsha Rego about Community Development Re-Creation's summer programs. (Row two) UMass Extension Nutrition Education Project Leader Pat Bebo, MS, RD, LDN, teaches participants how to make a healthy and delicious Mediterranean couscous salad. (Row three, left) Damaris Sullivan teaches the participants some easy Zumba steps. (Row three, center and right) School Wellness Coordinator shows Brian Conklin a booklet that depicts various foods and asks him to pick the ones he typically eats and then talks with his sister, Jordyn, and her mom about the Soda-free Summer Pledge. (Bottom row) Jordyn's mother, right, talks with a Fall River Boys and Girls Club staff member about summer camp opportunities. (Bottom row, center and right) Morton Student Support Coordinator Liberia Phelan, MSW, LICSW collects raffle tickets from Kirstyn Nogueira before drawing tickets for prizes of shopping bags full of healthy foods to the participants.

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