Several hundred people gathered at North Park on the afternoon August 7, 2012 to celebrate National Night Out, a nationwide crime prevention effort that emphasizes building a partnership between the police and the community. The local event was sponsored locally by United Neighbors of Fall River and involved Mayor William Flanagan, the Fall River Police Department, Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter, Community Development Recreation and dozens of local agency representatives who were on hand to pass out information and involve children in a variety of games. National Night Out is designed to: 1) heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; 2) generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs; 3) strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and 4) send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized. Click here for a video of the event. For more information, contact Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, left) Sara Mercer and her ten-year-old son, Cory, watch as SMILES staff member Heidi Bedard demonstrates a puzzle. (Top row, center) Eight-year-old Sincere Quinones admires the bicycles that the Fall River District Court Probation Department was raffling off. (Top row, right) United Neighbors of Fall River executive director Wendy Garf-Lipp holds a mirror for six-year-old Aedan Smith to see his face painting as his mother, Michelle, looks on. (Row two, left and center) Coach Kim of Wiggle Kids leads a drumming session that ten-year-old Adeh, right, enjoys. (Row two, right) Leigh Picard passes out samples of foam he created using carbon dioxide in a Mad Science demonstration. (Row three, left) Eleven-year-old Steven Alanso has his fingers wiped by Ashley Bento after having his fingerprints recorded by Fall River Officer John Lapointe. (Row three, center and right) Partners school wellness coordinator Marcia Picard, left, watches the reactions to the popular giant tooth that was part of the Soda-free Summer Pledge Campaign display. (Bottom row, left) Nicholas Pimentel and James Smith pass out cups of grapes to six-year-old Skye Quinones. (Bottom row, center) WSAR Radio personality Hector Gauthier interviews Kim Fielding who organized the event for United Neighbors of Fall River. (Bottom row, right) Al Lima and Margaret Charaowski look over a child's drawing of a park at the Community Preservation Act table.

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