School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, whose position is funded through Partners for a Healthier Community, met with the health and physical education faculty for the Fall River Schools in their May 14, 2012 monthly meeting, at the Spencer-Borden Elementary School. Ms. Picard first introduced Fall River Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly who talked about the upcoming Bicycle Safety Day that will be held at Kennedy Park on May 20th. Ms. Picard then introduced former Olympic athlete Marcia Frederick Blanchette who currently coaches children and adolescents through General Fitness in Fall River. "I've come to pay kudos to all of you," she stated. "The challenges that physical education teachers have are not recognized like they should be." Ms. Blanchette went on to describe her work in motivating children and teens to become more physically active. Click here for a video of a portion of the meeting. For more information, contact Marcia Picard at the Doran School at 774-319-0107.


(Top row) Fall River Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly talks about an upcoming Bicycle Safety Day at Kennedy Park that invited children and adults to learn more about bicycle safety as she holds one of the free bells that she gave away at that event. (Row two) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes members of the Fall River School System physical education staff, including Adaptive PE teacher Stephanie Ponte and Fonseca School PE teacher Mike Kelly. (Row three, left) Viveiros School PE teachers Tracy Wonica, and Leo Sousa and Adaptive PE teacher John Harrington, listen as Ms. Picard thanks Julie Kelly and then introduces former Olympic athlete Marcia Frederick Blanchette. (Bottom row) Ms. Blanchette talks about the challenges she faces as a fitness instructor working with children and adolescents that she shares with the physical education staff. 

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