Mayor William Flanagan gathered over thirty community leaders together in his office at Government Center on April 4, 2012 to request their participation in the city-wide Operation Clean Sweep project that will begin with clean-ups beginning on April 28th and extending into June. "This is a voluntary effort . . .that relies on the hard work and efforts of many individuals and entities in both the public and private sector," stated the project description given to each of the participants as they entered the meeting. Mayor Flanagan and his "Clean Team" will be traveling the City, identifying locations and recognizing individuals for their efforts. Fall River Park Advocate volunteers, originally organized as part of the Fall River Mass in Motion initiative, will play a major role. Click here for a seven-minute video of the announcement. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for photos of the  new litter campaign logo. For more information about the campaign, contact Park Advocate coordinator Sandy Dennis at 673-2939 or Mass In Motion coordinator Julie Kelly at 508-324-2411. 

(Top row, left) Mayor Flanagan's receptionist, Sandra Pessoa, hands Mike Aubrey an outline of Operation Clean Sweep before the meeting begins. (Top row, center and right) Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly talks with Fall River Park Advocate coordinator Sandy Dennis as they sit next to Fall River Police Chief Dan Racine before the meeting begins. (Middle row) Mayor Flanagan asks meeting participants to introduce themselves before he invites them to participate in making the City cleaner. (Bottom row) Community Maintenance Director Kenneth Pacheco outlines the different aspects of the project and takes questions from City Councilor Dave Dennis.



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