Nearly 100 students from B.M.C. Durfee, Bishop Connolly and Diman Regional high schools gathered at the Fall River Government Center for the fourth annual Peace By Piece Summit on May 4, 2012. This year's event offered an opportunity to engage the Fall River youth leadership population and beyond to discuss how violence impacts them and their community while discussing action steps to prevent and reduce violence. Youth reflected on common societal violence scenarios including bullying, healthy relationships, gang involvement and substance abuse.  Discussion groups were facilitated by youth leaders and supported by professionals in the field and Violence Prevention Staff. Attendees were empowered to develop and implement service learning opportunities to address the identified issues. Youth leaders will be returning to their school, group and/or community to share the information and to assist in mobilizing additional youth in the service projects. The Peace by Piece Summit builds upon the other violence prevention activities of the Sen. Charles E. Shannon Community Safety Initiative and the Safe and Successful Youth Initiative. For more information, contact Christian McCloskey at 508-679-0922, Ext. 110. (Photos courtesy of Michaela Gagne Hetzler)

(Top row, left) Lee Leblanc Corrigan of Family Planning makes a point during the discussion on healthy relationships. (Top row, center and right)  Chandary Chham, Cory Himes and Domingo Estrella from Durfee High School during an ice breaker activity. (Middle row, left) Youth leadership facilitators from Durfee High School, Kim Nguyen, Kenny Sok, Yadriel Perez, and Cannyta Keo,  generate a discussion about bullying. (Middle row, center) Wendy Garf-Lipp of United Neighbors of Fall River talks about peacemaking. (Middle row, right) Rebecca Arruda of the Women's Center, Youth leadership facilitators from Durfee High School Jeffrey Magdariaga, Christian Sidlevicz, Tiana Hernandez, and Alexa Alejo speak about healthy relationships. (Bottom row, left) Students from Bishop Connolly High School make a presentation. (Bottom row, center) Sothearith "Teddy" Sreng from Durfee High School  listens during an ice breaker activity. (Bottom row, right) YouthBuild students pay close attention to the presentation.

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