Officers at the Fall River Police Department began receiving training on the availability of a number of health and human services in the City through a program that began in early January 2012. Presentations on domestic violence and substance abuse are now given to every office on the force who rotate in each Friday through the spring. "By the time this series is completed, every officer will have learned about the full range of resources that are available in our community," noted Craig Gaspard, BOLD Coalition coordinator at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources. "For many of these officers, this is the only exposure they get to what we have to offer. Since officers are often a source of referral to people they deal on a day to day basis, it's important that they have a good understanding of what we have to offer," he added. For more information, call Mr. Gaspard at 508-324-3537.

(Top row, left) Tobacco Control coordinator Marilyn Edge talks with Commander of Planning and Training Sgt. Andrew Crook about the training series. (Top row, center and right) Dan Buckley of the batterer's intervention  program at Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) describes the services available to perpetrators of domestic violence in Fall River. (Middle row, left) Fall River Women's Center director Dale Brown and Pobate Court Safe Plan Advocate Deanne Gomes talks with one of the police officers during a break. (Middle row, center) BOLD Coalition coordinator Craig Gaspard goes over the presentation with Sgt. Kevin Medeiros who operates the projector. (Middle row, right) Deanne Gomes and District Court Safe Plan Advocate describe the services that the court provides victims of domestic violence. (Bottom row) Craig Gaspard and Marilyn Edge describe efforts to reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in the Greater Fall River Area.

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