Bus Riders United hosted an informational session on February 18, 2012 at the Fall River Public Library community room. Discussion topics included extending evening and Sunday service of the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) buses in the city. Mayor William Flanagan, who serves as the chairman of the SRTA Advisory Board, State Representative Paul Schmid, City Councilors Ray Mitchell and Mike Miozza and Amalgamated Transit Union presidents Eric Carvalho of 174 in Fall River and Gary Pires of 1037 in New Bedford spoke along with UMass-Dartmouth student Siggy Meilus who collected 2,000 signatures from passengers in Fall River and New Bedford along with other groups at public events and from other groups. The event was organized by Mary Ellen DeLima of the Coalition for Social Justice who has been seeking ways to make public transit better meet the needs of passengers. The groups included in Bus Riders United included the Amalgamated Transit Union, the Coalition for Social Justice, the Community Economic Development Center, and the UMD Labor Education Center. Click here for a   video of the event. Click here for the Herald News article. The session ended with a question and answer session. For more information, contact Mary Ellen DeLima at 774-319-8265.

(Top row, left and center) People line up outside the Fall River Public Library community room to sign in at the informational meeting organized by Bus Riders United. (Top row, right) Attorney Arthur Frank. general counsel for SRTA, stands with Eric Carvalho, president and business agent for the Amalgamated Transit Union 174. (Row two, left) Attorney Frank is greeted by Fall River Mayor Flanagan who serves as the SRTA Advisory Board chair. (Row two, center and right) Mary Ellen DeLima of the Coalition for Social Justice introduces Mayor Flanagan. (Row three) Ms. DeLima invites State Representative Paul Schmid, and Fall River City Councilor Ray Mitchell and Mike Miozza. (Bottom row) Eric Carvalho, UMass-Dartmouth student Siggy Meilus, and Local 1037 president and business manager Gary Pires close out the session before taking questions from the audience.

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