Nearly 100 employees of Saint Anne's Hospital have signed up for the Fifth Annual Fall River Fitness Challenge as of February 3, 2011, according the Vice-President of Mission and Community Partnerships Susan Oldrid who is heading up the Hospital's employee wellness effort. "In addition, we've had over 500 employees who have completed a wellness survey," she noted. Results of the survey will help to plan future wellness activities. For the moment, however, all of the focus is on supporting employees who have chosen to participate in the four-month Challenge event that will offer numerous opportunities to learn about nutrition and to engage in fitness activities. Cardiac rehab nurse Dixie Tavares has mapped out the number of steps required to travel among different parts of the hospital, and diabetes nurse educator Rose Marie Couto will be offering a method for employees to track their progress on goals. Fitness Challenge coordinator Annemarie Sharkey was on hand to describe the free Challenge events and new winter market that participants can take advantage of. Click here for a 7-minute video of the meeting. For more information, contact Susan Oldrid at 508-235-5005.                
(Top row) Staff sign in for the meeting as Vice-President of Mission and Community Partnerships Susan Oldrid goes over the agenda with Fitness Challenge Coordinator Annemarie Sharkey before announcing the upcoming winter market. (Middle row) Pharmacy Buyer Michelle Roseberry makes a suggestion as Quality and Safety Manager Nancy Sullivan listens. (Bottom row) Ms. Tavares and Ms. Oldrid talk over some of the suggestions presented by the staff including Sharon Marsden who made a suggestion about taking advantage of other resources such as Weight Watchers.

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