Southcoast Health System has expanded its community outreach with the addition of a second Southcoast Health Van that will provide health screenings and health education throughout the region. "For more than 25 years, our Southcoast Health Van has played a major role in improving the health of our communities, expanding access to preventive health care and, more recently, helping to ensure our region's blood supply with vital blood collection services." said Keith A. Hovan, President & CEO of Southcoast Health System and Southcoast Hospitals Group. "Our new van will further this mission, helping us to better reach our most vulnerable residents and meet the increased demand for this type of service." The new Southcoast Health Van will visit a number of highly visible and accessible sites throughout the region, offering blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol screenings, cancer screenings and education, bone density screenings, teen programs, pregnancy testing, immunizations and extensive preventive health education. Southcoast's first health van will now be referred to as the Southcoast Blood Donor Van and will continue to be in service, providing blood donation services and occasional screenings. Click here for a video of the event. For more information, contact Southcoast Public Information Officer and News Media Specialist Stephanie Lynn Poyant at 508-961-5280.
(Top row) Community Benefits Coordinator Kerry Mello, Department of Public Health Southeast Regional Director Ron O'Connor, and YMCA Southcoast Vice President & COO Nancy Bonell gather as President & CEO Keith A. Hovan, and Community Benefits Committee Chairperson Maureen Sylvia Armstrong talk about how the van fits into Southcoast's overall mission. (Row two) Ms. Armstrong, Mr. Hovan, Community Benefits Committee member John F. Dator, and Vice-President of Medical Services Rene Clark await the ribbon cutting. (Row three. center) Mr. Dator cuts the ribbon before the tours of the van begin, (Bottom row) Southcoast Hospital nurse Terry Gomes leads Vascular Screening nurse Anne Teixeira and Ms. Bonell through the new van pointing out its many features.

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