Students at the John J. Doran Elementary School were treated to a StoryWalk experience set up around the school's playground on June 13, 2012. The event invites children to read a book one page at a time by walking (or running, skipping, etc.) to the next page thereby promoting physical fitness and literacy skills together. StoryWalk is the brainchild of the Vermont Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition who has trademarked the brand. The Doran project was funded by VOICES for a Healthy Southcoast through a grant from the Greater New Bedford Allies for Health and Wellness. Additional copies of the book were donated to the participating classrooms by Partners for a Healthier Community. Similar projects are planned for the Viveiros School in the fall as well as other venues.  Planning for this project involved VOICES co-coach and YMCA Southcoast Vice-President of Operations Nancy Bonell, Doran reading coach Diane Bienvenue and School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard. Click here for the Herald News article. For more information about school wellness, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107. (Photos courtesy of Gail Hartnett Roderigues)


(Top row, left) Doran reading coach Diane Bienvenue puts the finishing touches on the StoryWalk posters arranged around the playground. (Top row, center) YMCA Southcoast Vice-President of Operations Nancy Bonell joins the children outside the school door as they begin the Story Walk route. (Top row, right) Second-grader Cassidy Medeiros reads one of the pages in the book, City Dog, Country Frog. (Row two) Students Igor Vieira, Devin deSa, Jean Claude King, and Jaylin Guadino enjoy reading the story as they go along the Walk. (Row three) Students follow the route throughout the playground in small groups that allows all of the students to see each illustration. (Bottom row, left) Second-graders Cassidy Medeiros and Nicole Benevides look at the cover of the book that is also available from the school library. (Bottom row, center and right) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard joins the students as they move along the route.

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