The Talbot Middle School hosted a Family Fun Night on December 19, 2012 to engage both students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered a talk about food by Southcoast Hospitals dietitian Amanda Raposo, a workout to music by Diman Regional School teacher Suzanne Ramos and her husband, Mike, and the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including Bristol Community College; BOLD; Child and Family Services; Children's Advocacy Center; Citizens for Citizens; Family Service Association; Fall River Mass In Motion; HealthFirst Dental Program;, Partners for a Healthier Community Farmers' Markets, Fitness Challenge and Soda-free Pledge, People Incorporated; Saint Anne's Hospital; Southcoast Hospitals' Cardiovascular Prevention Program; SSTAR; and the Fall River YMCA. Click here for a ten-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of the Fun Night at the Kuss Middle School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard st 774-319-0107.


(Top row, left) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard and School Redesign Coach Jacqueline Francisco greet Savonn San and Tinh Pham from the Educational Talent Search at Bristol Community College as they prepare to set up for the resource fair. (Top row, center) Ms. Picard welcomes the parents and students and explains how the evening will go. (Top row, right) The first group talks to agency representatives from CFC Family Planning and Southcoast Hospitals Cardiovascular Prevention Program. (Row two, left and right) Southcoast dietitian Amanda Raposo leads a group on food "Portion Distortion" where students and families learn how today's food is overloaded with calories. (Row two, center) Joseph Soares and his daughter, Jennessa, talk with Betty Nunes of HealthFirst Family Care Center. (Row three, left and right) Suzanne and Mike Ramos lead each group in some fun activities designed to get people's heart rate up. (Row three, center) Fall River Mass In Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly talks with Lucienne LaRoche about Fall River's biking and walking routes. (Bottom row, left) Jessica Enis talks with Robin Jones of the Early Intervention Program of People Incorporated. (Bottom row, center and right) Ms Francisco and Ms. Picard hand out gift certificates and a bicycle helmet to raffle prize winners before giving out five bags of healthy food to the final raffle winners.

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