Taking a brisk walk can do wonders for one's heath. In fact, walking just 30 minutes a day can decrease one's risk of many health problems including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. In order to help guide people on the path to good health with a new, monthly walking program designed to get people up, moving and enjoying some beautiful walks that can be found throughout the South Coast region Southcoast Cardiac Services invited the community to “Walk With A Southcoast Doc” at Heritage State Park on September 29, 2012. The approximately two-mile walk was led by Peter Cohn, MD, a cardiologist with Southcoast Physicians Group's Truesdale Cardiology practice and Associate Physician-in-Chief of the Cardiovascular Care Center at Southcoast Health System. Dr. Cohn was also be joined by staff from the Southcoast Cardiac Prevention Program. Participants received a free pedometer and "Better Health Kits" that included information on nutrition and exercise. Click here for a for the video of the walk. Click here photos of the series kick-off event. For more information, contact Southcoast Public Information Officer and News Media Specialist Stephanie Lynn Poyant at 508-961-5280.

(Top row, left) Cardiac Prevention Program dietitian Amanda Raposo shows Prima Care staff member Ann Pereira how to use one of the free pedometers that were given out to participants. (Top row, center and right) Southcoast cardiologist Peter Cohn, MD, talks about the many health benefits of regular walking. (Row two, left) Pet Assisted Therapist Judy Cohn talks about the benefits of dog walking for health. (Row two, center and right) The group heads out of the visitors' center at Heritage State Park on a one-mile walk to Bicentennial Park and back. (Row three) Dr. Cohn accompanies walkers along the boardwalk. (Bottom row) Dr. Cohn and the other walkers return to the visitors' center.

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