Representatives of Gates, Leighton & Associates consulting landscape architectural firm from East Providence presented continuing plans for a proposed streetscape project designed to enhance the City's waterfront along the Water Street area on May 15, 2012. The second of three public presentations was presented to the public at Government Center. Enhancements to the "walkability" of the area were prefaced by a presentation by WalkBoston's Executive Director, Wendy Landman who pointed out the value of making any area more walkable.. "All of the big real estate businesses are posting WalkScores on their properties...a ten point increase in WalkScores increases property values by eight to ten percent,," she stated. Funding for the project came from technical assistance funds tied to a proposed rail station to be developed as part of the South Coast Rail project, overseen by the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD). Improvements to sidewalks, lighting and signage will help to make the waterfront area more accessible and attractive. Click here for a video of the presentation. Click here for photos of the first presentation. For more information, contact City Councilor Dave Dennis at 508-646-3628 or Fall River Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly, at 508-324-2405.


(Top row, left) Senior Landscape Architect Arek Galle of Gates, Leighton & Associates (LGA) consulting landscape architectural firm looks over some of the plans with WalkBoston's Executive Director, Wendy Landman before the session begins. (Top row, center) Mr. Galle goes over the agenda with Fall River Office of Economic Development (FROED) Project Director Michelle Paul. (Top row, right)  Fall River Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly talks with Ms. Landman. (Row two) Wendy Landman illustrates her presentation on the value of making urban areas walkable with one of WalkBoston's maps showing distances in terms of the time needed to walk among various locations. (Row three) Mr. Galle describes how the principles of walkability can be applied to the proposed design of the Waterstreet area before David Westcott, Chief Planner for Mason and Associates, described environmental constraints and options for Crab Pond restoration. (Bottom row, left) Ms. Kelly asks about ties between the waterstreet area and the proposed bicycle route on the Quequechan River. (Bottom row, center) Fall River Park Advocate coordinator Sandy Dennis listens as Waterstreet Cafe owner  Jeanne Padillo raises questions about parking spaces. (Bottom row, right) Steven D'Ambrosia of GLA listens as Mr. Galle responds to the questions.

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