Healthy City Fall River broadcasts a locally-produced, monthly television show on cable televison Channel 95, Fall River Community Television (FRC-TV), located at Bristol Community College. Director of Television Services Keith Thibault and Television Staff Assistant Michelle Dumais take care of the production end while Healthy City Coordinator Dr. David Weed hosts the half-hour show, which features segments of videos that he's taken of various activities throughout the preceding month. "We knew Dr. Weed produced dozens of videos on the website, and we thought the show would make it possible for people who do not have internet access to enjoy them as well, commented Thibault. The show airs at various times throughout the week and is repeated a number of times over the course of the month. "Technically, it's not difficult to produce," noted Michelle Dumas who is responsible for editing the show each month. "Since the videos are already edited, all I have to do is to fit the segments into the time slot and do the overlay titles," she added. Each of the shows can also be viewed on-line at the Fall River Community Television for those who do have internet access and may not be able to see the scheduled shows on cable television. Click here for photos of another televison show produced at the studio. For more information about producing cable television shows, contact FRC-TV’s Director of Television Services Keith Thibault at 508.678.2811 EXT. 2354. (Some photos courtesy of Ben Farabini)

(Top row) FRC-TV technician Ben Farabini watches as Program Director Keith Thibeault sets up the equipment for taping the show and running the teleprompter. (Middle row) Dr. Weed reads the script that he has prepared for the show from the teleprompter that is controlled by the technician. (Bottom row) Mr. Thibeault adjusts the camera so that the script can be read both by Dr. Weed and in the control room so the speed can be controlled.



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