Bristol Community College (BCC) students at the Fall River campus on Elsbree Street had the opportunity to learn about the health resources in the community on December 11, 2013 from students in the Personal and Community Health course taught by Instructor Janice Velozo. About twenty students enrolled in the survey of health topics to learn how the health of an individual affects the community and how the health of the community affects the individual. A variety of Partners health leaders, including Dr. David Weed, School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, Amanda Raposa of Southcoast Hospitals, Fall River Mass In Motion Coordinator Julie Kelly, Greater Fall River Re-Creation Youth Leadership Specialist Anne Marie Holly, Wiggle Kids Director Kim Ferrara, SSTAR Youth Coordinator Mike Aguiar, Youth Services Director Christian McCloskey, and Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angie Bras made presentations to the class. Students were also be responsible for completing ten hours of community service in an organization operating within Healthy City Fall River and preparing a poster for a health fair in the Commonwealth Center at BCC. The course was videotaped so it can be offered on-line for next semester. Click here for a three-minute video of the health fair. Click here for photos of the first class. For more information about the course, contact Janice Velozo at 508-730-9289.

(Top row) Partners School Wellness Coordiantor Marcia Picard, left, and Wiggle Kids Director Kim Ferrara, right, chat with the students about their displays in the atrium of the Commonwealth Center at the College. (Row two) Maggie Toure talks with Civic Engagement Coordinator Jennifer Boulay about her presentation on the Boys and Girls Club where she did her community service, and Meghan Smith talks with Bristol Community College nurse Carol Constantine about the Fall River Food Security Network. (Row three) Ms. Boulay talks with Personal and Community Health Course Instructor Janice Velozo, who then poses with BCC Dean of Health Sciences Pat Dent. (Bottom row) Dean Dent and Kim Ferrara talk with Lindsey Lees and Henry Walther about their bicycle safety project.

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