An estimated 300 demonstrators gathered at Edward O’Neill Memorial Playground in Somerset, MA, and marched on the Brayton Point Power Station on July 28, 2013, calling on Governor Patrick to shut the facilty down. Organized by and Fossil Free Rhode Island, the environmental groups are targeting what they call "the largest carbon emitter on the east cost north of Maryland" and which they hold responsible for health problems for those living in the shadow of the plant. "Massachusetts could shut down the Brayton Point plant tomorrow and meet all of its additional energy needs through renewables and increased energy efficiency," 350MA states on its web page. According to a press release, the group has held other protetests in Maine, Michigan, Oregon and Washington D.C. in recent weeks. A number of local activists from Fall River, including Maryellen Kurkulos of Occupy Fall River,Nancy Arthur, Joe Carvalho, Everett Castro and James Hornsby of Green Futures, joined the protest largely composed of people from around the region and states as far away as West Virginia. A group of over forty red-shirted demonstrators volunterily crossed a line set up by the Somerset Police at the power plant and were immediately handcuffed and arrested. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for all 37 photos of the event. Click here for a 32-minute video of the event. For more local information, contact Green Futures.

(Top row, left) Boston Area social worker Sharon Devos, Fay Stringeler and Ann Shumay get off one of the buses with their signs. (Top row, center) Maryellen Kurkulos of Occupy Fall River is joined by activists Joe Carvalho and Nancy Arthur before the march. (Top row, right) Helen Harrison of Florence, MA, holds a sign in protest to the air pollution produced by the power plant. (Row two, left) Green Futures President Everett Castro joins the group by bicycle. (Row two, right) Dave Dionne of the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities is the first of several speakers. (Row three, left) The group gathers at O'Neil Field in Somerset in preparation for the march to the power plant as Lillie Lombard of Northampton, right, chants with the crowd. (Row four) The group enters Dominion property and passes the two concrete cooling towers on their way to the Power Station. (Row five) Mark Schwaller leads the group in a song as Somerset Policeman Richard Pagano and a reservist watch and the group sets up some faux wind generators and solar panels in front of the power plant. (Row six) Somerset Poolice arrest 44 protesters who voluntarily cross a barricade. (Bottom row) Protesters, including Rev. James Hornsby of Fall River,right, chant in support as two of those arrested are led away for booking following their arrest.

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