A city-wide clean-up effort organized by Mayor Flanagan was announced in the Mayor's office on April 9, 2013. The Mayor invited about fifty representatives of groups such as Fall River Park Advocates, numerous agencies and businesses, city departments and people representing volunteers from neighborhood associations, schools, local employers and home owners to hear about the plan. In addition to a new city-wide street sweeping schedule, Flanagan announced a citywide cleanup that will begin on April 28th starting at 9:00 a.m., and end with a barbecue at Kennedy Park at 1 p.m. Clean-ups will then be scheduled in various neighborhoods in coming weeks with dumpsters placed in strategic locations. Residents will also be able to check out tools to help them in the clean up from a trailer that the city will move from place to place. Click here for a related article in the Herald News. Click here for a video of the start of the event. For more information about the Urban Parks Advocates Network contact Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly at 508-324-2405.

(Top row, left) Those in attendance at the meeting included Ed Allard of Community Action for Better Housing, Fall River Mass in Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly, Niagara Neighborhood Association representative Helen Rego, and Historic Downtown Neighborhood Association reporentatives Steve Camara and Jim Bartlett, (Middle row, right) Planning and Conservation Director Elizabeth Dennehy, Center for Civic Engagement Assistant Provost Matthew Roy, and City Councilor Dave Dennis wait for the meeting to begin. (Bottom row) Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator Perry Long points out on a map where some of the planned clean-ups will occur following remarks by Mayor Flanagan announcing the project.

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