Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc. celebrated the year-long accomplishments of SCI AmeriCorps Volunteer Brittany Bertone and Life Together Fellow Elizabeth Malkin at a lunchtime event held at the home of United Neighbor of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp on June 14, 2013. "These two women have done outstanding work over the past year," noted Garf-Lipp. "They have become involved not only with Partners and United Neighbors but also with most of the major human service organizations in our City," she added. Ms. Bertone served at the outreach and technology coordinator at United Neighbors and was principally responsible for publication of the web site but was also involved in the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge, the Hunger Network and the Food Policy Council. Ms. Malkin was responsible for supporting the work of the Greater Fall River Health and Wellness Coaliton and worked with the Food Security Network;s Plentiful Plates Program to encourage restaurants and bakeries to donate their leftover food to soup kitchens and food pantries in the area. Malkin also helped to organize a Citizenship Workshop at St. Luke's Church to assist people in applying for U.S. Citizenship. "We couldn't have had two better individuals more dedicated to helping this community," commented Partners Executive Director David Weed. For more information about the volunteers, contact Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row) Life Together Fellows Larissa Alter, Rachael MacLagan and Elizabeth Malkin are greeted by United Neighbors Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp at her home in Dartmouth. (Row two) Elizabeth and Brittany are joined by UMass-Dartmouth VISTA Volunteers Bob Bailey and BMC HealthNet Plan Regional Representative Brenda Viveiros and DPH Liaison Joan Gancarski. (Row three, right) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard shares a laugh with Brittany and Partners Health and Well Being Coordinator Annemarie Sharkey. (Bottom row) Elizabeth and Brittany open photo books depicting their year's work.

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