Both children and adults are getting a lot of use out of a completely refurbished city park at the intersection of Robeson and President Avenue that opened on September 4, 2013. The project was recently completed at a cost of around $500,000 following years of advocacy by neighbors and members of the Highland Neighborhood Association. Funding was provided by a City bond of $875,000 that was passed by the City Council in November, 2012. That bond also included funding for a inclusion playground currently under construction at Kennedy Park. Architectural plans for the part were designed by William Starck Architects and the construction was completed by Green Acres Landscape and Construction. The facility includes benches, trees, a circular walkway that goes around the park, basketball courts, a drinking fountain, and picnic tables all enclosed by fencing. Click here for the Herald News article about the opening of the Park. Click here for the article about the Park in the Spirit. Click here for a a two-minute video of the Park activities.

(Top row) Men play a game of pick-up basketball on one of the four courts that are part of the newly-constructed playground located at the intersection of Highland Avenue and Robeson Street in the City's North End. (Row two) Two-year-old Evan Benjamin enjoys the slide while Israel and Tsion Haddis run near the fountain. (Row three) Two-year-old Jackson Marshall plays with his father, Paul, on the monkey bars. (Bottom row) Rachel Haddis and her brother, Israel, play on the equipment while their mother, Ebsitie, who is Etheopian, walks the baby on the sidewalk around the park.

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