The 2013 summer season of Greater Fall River Re-creation programs and activities kicked off with a three-hour free celebration of music, food and fun for hundreds of people at Ruggles Park on June 22nd. Activities included a rock climbing wall, pony rides, arts and crafts, games and prizes, face painting, and carnival games. A number of agencies, including BMC Health Net Plan, the Bristol County Sheriiff's Office, the Fall River Police Department, the Fall River Fire Department, Greater Fall River Re-Creation, HealthFirst Family Care Center, Partners for a Healthier Community Soda-free Pledge, Fall River Tobacco Conrol Program, and Time Exchange offered children and their parents a variety of activities as well as information about their services. Pizza and refreshments were provided by Seth Hockert-lotz of Domino's Pizza South Main Street. The event helps people learn about City safety programs as well as the summer Lunch and Park program and other summer offerings through Re-Creation. Click here for an eight-minute video of the event. Click here to see pictures from last year's event. For more information about any of their summer programs, contact Greater Fall River Re-Creation at 508-679-0922.

(Top row, left) Ten-year-old Shawna Millerick holds her finger after having her fingerprintes taken by Fall River Police Detective John LaPointe and Oficer Eric Copsetta. (Top row, center) Nine-year-old Mycah Cole gets some tips on climbing the rock wall from Carabiner's Owner Steve Caton. (Top row, right) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard watches as children make giant bubbles in front of the Partners for a Healthier Community Soda-free Pledge table. (Row two, left) Children enjoy pony rides with staff from Rebello's Farm. (Row two, right) Arron Brooks holds a prize after winning the hula-hoop contest. (Row four, left and center) Bruce Alderson of Home Depot in Somerset helps Haylee Hamm with making a jewelery box. (Row four, right) Shellise Jackson distributes information on the Fall River Falcons Cheerleaders. (Bottom row, left) Katie Gaspard begins painting four-year-old Cyres Wheeler's face as his mother, Vanessa, looks on. (Bottom row, center) Ariana, Giovanni and Aniya Pires try out their pin wheels. (Bottom row, right) Amary Long smiles at Alleeyana Pheap's face after it's painted by Wendy Garf-Lipp of United Neighbors in the background.

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