Mayor William Flanagan launched a "Before you light up, look down" campaign on March 25, 2013 to remind smokers to not smoke around children. The campaign was initiated in response to parents who were concerned about secondhand smoke exposure to their children while they were waiting at school bus stops throughout the City. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness on the dangerous effects of secondhand smoke. The Mayor welcomed City Corporation Counsel Elizabeth Sousa, who spearheaded the effort, Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt, Partners Excutive Director Dr. David Weed, and Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge to join him on his weekly WSAR-Radio Talk show on March 28th. Attorney Sousa cautioned adult smokers to keep secondhand smoke away from children as Dr. Vaillancourt reminded the public of the potential harm that it can cause in developing lungs. The Mayor reminded the public that assistance with quitting is available free of charge throught the Mass. Department of Public Health's 1-800-STOP-NOW telephone counseling service and that Mass Health and other insurance providers provide cessation counseling and medications at no charge. The Mayor's Office will be distributing printed information through all of the elementary and middle schools later in the week reminding adults to "look down" before they light up. Click here for a sixteen-minute video of the program. Click here for photos of the press annoncement on March 25th. For more information, contact Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge at 508-324-2423.

(Top row) Mayor William Flanagan opens the second half of his weekly radio show with City Corporation Counsel Elizabeth Sousa, who spearheaded the effort, Western Bristol County Tobacco Control Coordinator Marilyn Edge, and Health and Human Services Director Dr. Henry Vaillancourt, (Middle row) Attorney Sousa and WSAR's Jennifer Lourenco listen as Partners Excutive Director Dr. David Weed talks about places where people can get help with quitting smoking. (Bottom row) Mayor Flanagan asks Ms. Edge about the rate of smoking among teens and Dr. Vaillancourt concludes with some pointers to those who want to quit.

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