School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, whose position is funded through Partners for a Healthier Community, invited "Coach Kim" Ferrara to meet with the health and physical education faculty for the Fall River Schools at their April 8, 2013 monthly meeting, at the Spencer-Borden Elementary School. Coach Kim operates "WiggleKids," a privately-funded business in Swansea, MA, that promotes healthy habits and physical fitness through songs, dance, games, activities and education for children and their families. She spent over an hour sharing what she's learned works to get kids moving while having loads of fun. Using low-cost objects, such a foam pool noodles and giant hop balls, she gets kids moving and having fun while getting lots of exercise. She also incorporates music and rhythm to stimulate brain activity that improves cognitive skills. The teachers plan to incorporate her techniques into upcoming physical education classes in the elementary and middle schools. Click here for a 7-minute video of portions of her presentation. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(First and second row) Coach Kim Ferrara introduces the topic of fun, active play to physical education teachers Matt Ducharme, Dan Comeau, John Harrington, Mike Kelly, Don Frank and Teresa Mahjoory as they try working with the pool noodles. (Rows three and four) Coach Kim introduces ways of using bounce balls to improve strength and coordination to teachers Cynthia Mello, Taylor Brown and Matt Ducharme. (Bottom row) Kim illustrates how simple rhythm games can improve cognitive skills with Don Frank and then shows Matt, Dan, and School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard how simple ribbon streamers can be used to move to music.

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