Another of more than 50 Peace Poles created by Fall River organizations was "planted" at St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Warren Street on June 23, 2012. In a brief ceremony held outside of the sanctuary, about 25 Church members and neighbors gathered to dedicate the pole. Readings and prayers for world peace were offered and hymns sung in the service officiated by the Rev. Dr. Susan Lee and Rev. James Hornsby. Rev. Lee first saw a peace pole in a church in Cambodia where she was doing research on Cambodian widows following the war. The pole was designed by Sereiphum Bun, Church member and an art teacher at the William S. Greene Elementary School nearby. The pole was then painted by members of the Church youth group and Sunday School. United Neighbors director Wendy Garf-Lipp, working with the World Peace Prayer Society and United Neighbors sees these "plantings" as part of a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to address gang and youth violence in the city of Fall River. Click here for an eight-minute video of the event. Click here for pictures of the first Peace Pole planting at Griffin Park. For more information, contact either Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900 or Rev. Lee at 508-678-5118.

(Top row) Life Together Fellow Larissa Alter steps forward to sprinkle Holy Water on the peace pole as worshipers follow a responsive reading in the dedication ceremony. (Row two) Niagara Neighborhood Association President John Sylvia, left, stands next to Arlene Ranger and Mark Moore as he listens to Rev. Dr. Susan Lee, right, pointing to the inscriptions on the peace pole with art teacher Sereiphum Bun standing behind her. (Row three, left) Penny Housley and Eli Bigelow, the Church organist, help to dedicate the pole. (Row three, right) Samy Sok sprinkles Holy Water on the pole. (Bottom row) Rev. Jim Hornsby and Rev. Susan Lee speak with John Sylvia follow the ceremony, pointing out the many languages in which the word "Peace" is written, reflecting the diversity of the larger community.

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