New mentors and mentee matches in the SMILES (Southcoast Mentoring Initiative for Learning, Education and Service) mentoring program (a program of People, Incorporated) at the Kuss Middle School got the chance to get to know each other at their first session by engaging in a group exercise. Matches were paired up to make four-person teams who then had about ten minutes to devise a device that would transport 20 pennies down a ramp. Teams were given items such as a paper cup, two ping pong balls, pipe cleaners, aluminum foil and construction paper along with the coins.The group who devised a way to transport the coins the farthest won the contest. "This is great ice-breaker," commented SMILES Group Leader Jonathan St Pierre. "Solving a problem together allows everyone to interact and get to know one another quickly," he added. Weekly SMILES mentoring sessions take place throughout the year to offer mentors and mentees the chance to get to form strong bonds designed to keep mentees invested in their schools. For more information about the program or to volunteer to serve as a mentor in other programs, For more information, e-mail Heidi Bedard or call 774-627-2438.

(Top row) Ron Banville works with his mentee Austin while Charlie Burke and Ethan, center, work at another table. (Row two) Teams work to finish their entry in time for the race. (Bottom row) Mentees watch as the teams' distance is checked to determine the winner, and Austin give a "thumbs up" for his winning entry.

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