The George B. Stone School on Globe Street hosted a Family Fun Eventt on March 20, 2013 to engage both students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition. Several families were offered a talk about food by Southcoast Hospitals dietitian Amanda Raposo who coverd "Portion Distortion", describing how many foods come in much larger sizes than was the case a decade ago. School teachers also illustrated was of preserving fruit using baking soda and salt and helped children identify their fears in an exercise in one of the classrooms. "This is the first time that we've tried something like this," commented school principal Mary Ellen Shaw, "and I think that those that attended really enjoyed it." In one of the classes, students are reading a book called Chew on This by Eric Schlosser and Charles Wilson about the fast food industry and where our food comes from. The school is engaged in a number of healthy activities including a regular walking group that takes hikes around the neighborood to get some healthy exercise. Click here for a four-minute a video. Click here for photos of the Fun Night at the Greene Elementary School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.


(Top row) Stone School teacher, Mr. Thibeault, shows 13-year-old Austin Orabona and his mother, Deanne, how to use salt and baking soda to preserve an apple sllice at the Stone School on Globe Street before Steven Miranda tries it himself. (Middle row) Stephen works with his father, Stephen Sr., his mother, Melissa Frias, his sister, Chelynn, and his borther, Everett, on a project to describe anxiety with teacher Jessica Harrison. (Bottom row) After offering some healthy vegetable snack items, Southcoast Hospital dietitian and Cardiovascular Prevention Program staff member Amanda Raposo talks about "Portion Distortion" with larger portion in today's food items.

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