School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard, whose position is funded through Partners for a Healthier Community, met with the health and physical education faculty for the Fall River Schools on January 14, 2013, at the Spencer-Borden Elementary School. The meeting provided and opportunity for Ms. Picard to introduce Healthy City Fall River coordinator Dr. David Weed who spoke about "The Problem with Sugar." His presentation covered the Soda-free Summer Challenge campaign that has been underway for the past two years, but then went on to talk about the role of carbohydrates in the epidemic of overweight and obesity, especially among children and adolescents. Misconceptions about the benefits of fruit juices as well as the importance of fats in the diet were explored. The meeting also served as a chance for Ms. Picard to describe the current Fall River Fitness Challenge that was officially launched on January 5th and to invite the teachers to find ways to involve their students and the school faculty in their own Challenge activities over the next four months. Click here for a resource for teachers and parents on this topic.  For more information, contact Marcia Picard at the Doran School at 774-319-0107.


(Top row) Physical education teachers Ronald Frazier, Dan Comeau, Mike Kelly, Don Frank and Robert Fitzgerald get a laugh out of explaining why there's a soda vending machine in the room where the presentation about the problem of sugar-sweetened beverages is being given, especially when statewide school policy prohibits soda machines in schools. (Rows two and three) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes the school nurses, including Jill Dumont, Pat Fitta, Cynthia Lima, Pamela Reinhard and Linda McCoart who came to hear Dr. Weed's presentation. (Bottom row, left) School nurse Jill Dumont, left, listens intently along with the other nurses and physical education teacher Teresa Mahjoory, right, (Bottom row, right) Ms. Picard wraps up the monthly meeting as teachers Don Frank, Robert Fitzgerald, Chris Conti and Myles Murray listen.

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