The Viveiros Elementary School hosted a Family Fun Night on May 22, 2013 to engage both students and their parents in some healthy fun while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Over 200 participants were offered a talk about food by Southcoast Hospitals dietitian Amanda Raposo, a workout to music by Suzanne Ramos and Brittany Bertone, and the chance to speak with representatives of agencies including the AT&T Mobility Store, BMC HealthNet, BOLD, Child and Family Services, Children's Advocacy Center, Early Childhood/Family Community Engagement, Fall River Mass In Motion, Family Service Association, Greater Fall River Re-Creation, HealthFirst Dental Program; Katie Brown Educational Program, Partners for a Healthier Community Soda-free Pledge,, People Incorporated, Saint Anne's Hospital, Southeast Recovery Learning Community,and Southcoast Hospitals' Cardiovascular Prevention Program, Viveiros PTO and WIC. Click here for photos of the recent Fun Night at the Watson Elementary School. Click here for a 19-minute video of the event. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Durfee Honor Student Kyle Pacheco signs in Felecia Dias and her family at the Viveiros School before School Wellness Coordinator. Marcia Picard welcomes over two hundred parents and children to the Family Fun Night. (Row two) Southcoast Hospitals Cardiovascular Prevention Program dietitian Amanda Raposo talks about "Portion Distortion" with family members. (Row three) Brittany Bertone, left, and Suzanne Ramos, right, lead groups in exercises to the tune of "YMCA" in the school gymnasium. (Row four) Terri Medeiros and Walter DeCruz, left, of the Southeast Recovery Learning Community talks about mental health services while Betty Nunes, center, of HealthFirst Dental Program talks with Milton Betran and his daughter about dental health, and Ms Raposo talks to another group about nutrition. (Row five) Elizabeth Malkin, left, goes over theSoda-free Pledge with Kenneth Morgeron and his mother, Brandie Napert, while Michael Smart Jr. and his mother, Katie James, listens, and then continues on with other families. (Bottom row, left) Donna Querim of Southcoast Hospitals Cardiovascular Prevention Program talks with Ashley Stallings and her five-year-old daugher, Landon Kestler, about heart health. (Bottom row, center and right) Viveiros Physical Education teacher Tracy Wonica and School Secretary Chelsea Souza join Marcia Picard as they draw numbers and hand out prizes, including one of the bags of groceries won by Giovanny Beltran.

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