Staff from the Women, Infants & Children Nutrition Program (WIC) were on hand on at the new HealthFirst Family Care Center on July 13, 2013 to distribute Farmers Market Coupons to eligible recipients. Hundreds of active WIC participants were in line early in the morning to get over 500 sets of free coupons. Participants were offered samples of fresh vegetables and were invited to watch one of several cooking demonstrations by the WIC staff in the new classroom. "Cooking demonstrations are just one of the many educational opportunities we offer program participants," commented Carol Weber. The program provides women and children in the Federal Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and elders with coupons redeemable at farmers markets for fresh fruits and vegetables. WIC participants receive these nutrition benefits in addition to the regular WIC food package. Local farmers are reimbursed for the face value of the coupons, thereby enhancing earnings and supporting participation in farmers markets. Click here for a three-minute video of the event. For more information about the WIC Program, contact Lisa Alves at 508-679-9349.

(Top row) Applicant line up at 7:30 a.m. at the HealthFirst Family Care Center before the security guard lets them in, including two-year-old Jenn Tavares, and her sister, Sophia, and mother, Lisa Tavares. (Row two) Dietitian Katie Bridgestock welcomes applicants and explains the process as WIC Nutrition Program nutrition director Carol Weber encourages people to sign up for the free nutrition classes offered by Nutrition Assistant Laurie Andrade. (Row three) As toddlers are led in some dances by Project Assistant Tammy Reis, Al Desa and Amy Dodenhoff step up to the window to complete their application for the farmers' market coupons. (Bottom row) Katie Bridgestock prepares some veggie snacks while Remy Farias hands out free cloth tote bags and Nutritionist Lisa Viveiros and Nutriton Assistant Louis Johnson prepare a sauteed zucchini and yellow squash dish that Christine Jean-Baptiste samples.


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