Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month were both acknowledged in a White Ribbon Day event at the Fall River Boys and Girls Club on April 2, 2013. Mayor William Flanagan read a proclamation before a series of speakers, including Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) Executive Director Michelle Loranger. The CAC is a not-for-profit agency that provides comprehensive forensic, health and medical, and support services to children who have been victims of sexual abuse and violence. The agency is conducting many outreach activities in various schools, and child serving agencies throughout the month of April. Last week, the agency surpassed serving its 2,000 case since their inception in July 2007. The agency also serves as an information clearing house for families and professionals in all corners of the county, from Fairhaven to Easton. Ms. Loranger was joined by United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp, Fall River Women's Center Executive Director Pamela MacLeod-Lima, and Hugh Dunn of Congressman Keating's office who introduced five young men who took the White Ribbon Pledge the end of the event. Click here for a video of the event. For more information, contact CAC Development Manager Vangy Auclair at 508-674-6111.

(Top row) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks with Patrick Leaver about the White Ribbon campaign; Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy talks with Flint Neighborhood Association president Carlos Cesar; and AT&T Mobility store manager Curt Boardman talks with Shyann Cartwright and Thomas Galvin at the various display tables at the event. (Row two) Michelle Loranger and Vangy Auclair of the Children's Advocacy Center pose for a photo while Fall River Police Chief talks with Linda Pacheco of the District Attorney's office and Patrick Leaver pins a white ribbon on Mayor Flanagan's lapel. (Row three) Ms. Loranger, Ms. Garf-Lipp and Ms. MacLeod-Lima talk about the toll of sexual assault and child abuse. (Bottom row) Hugh Dunn introduces students Daishawn Barrows, Mustafaa Muhammad, Brian Worsley, Feliciano Roman and Jayden Quintal as they promise to be part of the solution in ending violence against women.








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