The Diabetes Association Inc., a program of  People, Incorporated collaborated with Fellowship Health Resources to celebrate World Diabetes Day at PI's headquarters on South MainStreet, on November 14, 2013. Representatives of a number of agencies and vendors were on hand to provide information about their services, and Adult Services Coordinator John Quintas, who organized the event, demonstrated how to make a healthy fruit smoothie for the assembled guests. "Our goal today is to provide in the community with information about what the Diabetes Association and our partners are doing for them in the community," stated Katje Fuson, Director of Community, Child and Family Program Services at People, Incorporated. Staff and clients from Fellowship Health Resources were there from much of the morning asking questions and learning about the disease and its treatment. Saint Anne's Hospital certified diabetes educator Rose Marie Couto, RN, CDE, was also available to help people understand how to control their blood surgar through diet and exercise. Click here for a short video of the event. Click here for photos of last year's event. For more information, contact John Quintas at (508) 679-5233.

(Top row) Southcoast YMCA and SCHHWI Wellness staff Nicky D'Abrosca and Jack Shipley join Fellowship Health Resources Wellness Coordinator Terri Bernier and Rose Marie Couto, RN, CDE, certified diabetes educator at Saint Anne's Hospital in educating participants. (Row two) Fellowship Health Rehabilitation Coordinator Jennifer Lima writes down the recipe for healthy fruit smoothies that People, Incorporated Diabetes Educator John Quintas demonstrates how to make them before Katje Fuson of PI samples somee. (Row three) Mario Medeiros talks with PI staff member Steve Merrill who then talks with Betty Nunes of HealthFirst Family Care Center and Brenda Viveiros of BMC HealthNet Plan. (Bottom row) Diabetes Care Specialist Almee Sweeney of Novo Nordisk talks with Lillian Soares while PI SMILES Program Coordinator Donna Giguere and others look over some of the available information

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