AHA! Fall River invited people to over thirty venues and events in downtown Fall River on a raw October 2, 2014 evening for the second scheduled event designed to help foster an invigorated arts and culture scene in the City. "We have some of our local restaurants doing healthy food samples throughout the City at the locations where you see the balloons and signs," stated Sandy Dennis, who, along with Donna Winn, organized the event. AHA! Fall River was formed in June 2013 in collaboration with the New Bedford AHA! and the Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts. AHA! stands for arts, history and architecture. The organization held its first event on June 21, 2013 and has held several events since then in an attempt to mirror the AHA! events in New Bedford. The purpose of the organization is to develop collaborative relationships in order to expand and sustain arts and cultural programming in the two cities. Click here for the Herald News article.  Click here for a four-minute video of the event. For more information, contact Sandy Dennis at 508-646-3621.

(Top row) Judy Small and Miriam Santiago stop by the Cherry and Webb Art Gallery to listen to the music of Louis Leeman while Sharon and Robert Jussaume offer their jewelry for sale. (Row two) Balloons on Purchase Street mark the Tequila Lime Cantina as a participating restaurant while Elvira Knight and Barry Ferreira put up a sign for Adega beer and wine making supplies nearby. (Row three, left) Paula Harrison helps her granddaughters, Alison and Ava, make a scarecrow out of straw. (Row three, center) Jo-Anne Sbrega and Katie Pascoal set up apple printing materials from the Fall River Children's Museum. (Row three, right) Volunteer Rithy Tep, center, works with children on their scarecrows. (Row four, left) Three-year-old James Winslow Foley poses for a photo with Lafayette-Durfee House curator David Jennings. (Row four, center and right) Cari Cusick helps Chase Grant and his godmother, Shannon Sever, pick out a pumpkin to paint with three-year-old Savannah Ahaesy. (Bottom row, left) Ten-year-old Finn Richards looks over the forest food items with Trustees of Reservations Education Coordinator Linton Harrington (Bottom row, center and right) James Power of the WTW Band plays while patrons at the St. James Pub sample some of the brews.

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