National Arbor Day was celebrated at Maplewood Park by Mayor Flanagan and members of the Maplewood Neighborhood Association on April 25, 2014. Emily Hamilton of the Davey Resource Group welcomed Mayor William Flanagan and members of City neighborhood associations to a press event at the end of a long day in which new trees were planted and older trees were trimmed. "We've opened up the canopy of existing trees and added new trees that will add to the canopy over time," stated Hamilton as she described the project to the press. M. Earle Gaudette, President of the Maplewood Neighborhood Association, recalled the trees in the park from his childhood and talked about how his children and grandchildren have grown up with the trees in the park. Mayor Flanagan pointed out the value of trees in cleaning the air and making the City a healthier place to live and work. Click here for photos of last year's event. Click here for an 11-minute video of the event. For information about the Street Tree Planting program, contact Mary Ann Wordell at 508-679-8887.

(Top row, left) Fall River Community Maintenance Worker Gervasio Goncalo cleans up around one of the older trees that had to be removed. (Top row, center) Ron Lasalle of Lewis Tree Service and Fall River Tree Warden Tom Eaton watch as the day's work is finished. (Top row, right) Tree Service General Foreman Michael Paquette looks over the finished work. (Row two, left) Members of the other Neighborhood Associations, including Helen Rego and Sandy Dennis, chat before the press event. (Row two, center) Student Zack Richard and UMass-Amherst Professor Rick Harper finish tending to one of the newly-planted trees. (Row two, right) Mayor Flanagan thanks the employees of the Lewis Tree Service who donated their time and labor. (Row three) Mayor Flanagan is introduced by Emily Hamilton of the Davey Resource Group. (Bottom row) M. Earle Gaudette, President of the Maplewood Neighborhood Association, talks about the value of the trees in the park before Mayor Flanagan and Emily mulch a tree and Earle introduces his granddaughters to the Mayor.

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