Bristol Community College (BCC) teams up with the Greater Boston Food Bank each month, rain or shine, to bring a Mobile Market to the BCC Campus. The August 8, 2014 distribution took place on a beautiful summer day. The Market is free and open to all BCC students, faculty and staff as well as to people from the community at-large. The Market is staffed by volunteers from BCC and the larger community, including recipients who wish to assist in the bundling and distribution. A variety of fresh and frozen items are given away to people who are pre-registered for the Market depending on what the Food Bank has at that particular time. Food is distributed based on the size of the household and are given out as long as supplies last. Participants are urged to bring their own shopping bags and containers that can keep food cold until they get it home. To pre-register for the Market, go to the BCC web site and search for Mobile Market. Click here for a Herald News story.  Click here for a brief video of the volunteers. For more information about the Market, contact Coordinator Maurice Cyr at 508-678-2811, Ext. 2459.

(Top row, left and center) Volunteers Alicia McGovern and Becky Ferraz look over bags of cabbage while Vanna Le and Carmella Dixon get ready at the registration table. (Top row, right) Makna Men and Dana Behuniak look over the supply of yogurt. (Middle row, center) Over 100 people line up in the parking lot to receive food from the Market. (Bottom row) Volunteers work at dividing the food into smaller bags for distribution, including Samuel Preciado and Danny Pittman, right.

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