The Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge held its eighth Challenge event at Greater Fall River Re-Creation on February 8, 2014. "We're almost running out of room with so many participants!'" remarked Fitness Challenge coordinator Annemarie Holly who handed out tickets for the prize drawing that followed the event. Fitness Fusion leader Greg Medeiros led the crowd of over 140 through a series of nine stations with a variety of fitness challenges. Southcoast Hospital Dietitian Amanda Raposo and Dr. David Weed followed the work-out with a discussion of  low-carb diets. Sponsored by Greater Fall River Re-creation, Partners for a Healthier Community, Saint Anne's Hospital, Southcoast Hospitals, the Challenge includes programs provided by All Generations Fitness, the Diabetes Association, Inc., Fitness Fusion, FitWorks, General Fitness. Greater Fall River Re-creation, Striking Beauties, TKO Fitness, Wiggle Kids, and the Fall River YMCA. The Challenge offers low cost opportunities for those who live, work or attend school in the Greater Fall River Area. Click here for a  12-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of the fourth event. Call Annemarie at 508-679-0922 for more information or go to


(Top row) Challenge participants start their warm-up by walking around the gym before Fitness Fusion leader Greg Medeiros gets people moving. (Row two) Greg urges Claudia Choqotte on while Fusion leader Wendy Niewola demonstrates kettle weight lifts that Sandy Ferreira, Alicia Zabila and Diana Gaya then practice. (Row three, left and center) Pat Medeiros, Trish Snitzer and Cheryl Bender do some high steps while Tony Rebelo, Cheryl Bailey, Bela Rebelo and Carla Sousa toss an exercise ball. (Row four) Mark Dibiasio and Chris Senra do jumping jacks until exhaustion. (Row five, left and right) Paul Rapoza gets encouragement from Fusion leader Kerry Camara. (Bottom row) Participants do some punches before doing a cool down and then wait to see who the raffle prize winner is.

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