About 200 police, human service organization representatives and staff from the Bristol County Office of the District Attorney gathered on January 31, 2014 at BK's Beacon Light Tavern in the Fall River Industrial Park for the third annual legislative breakfast for the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Bristol County. The program began with an invocation by Rev. Robert Lawrence before Executive Director Michelle Loranger introduced Durfee High School Adjustment Counselor Michaela Hetzler and Sharon DeCosta who told her story of discovering child sexual abuse in her own family. Created in 2007, the CAC provides a coordinated response to child abuse victims of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse and witness to violence. The CAC is also committed to the ongoing education and development of prevention programs in Bristol County. Click here for the Herald News article. Click here for a 43-minute video of the event. Click here to go to the CAC Facebook page. For more information, contact Development Manager Vangy Auclair at 508-674-6111.

(Top row) As people sign in at the registration table, CAC Development Manager Vangy Auclair greets speaker Michaela Hetzler who then joins her husband, Joshua, and Stephen Mitchell at the table. (Middle row) Rev. Robert Lawrence delivers the invocation before Executive Director Michelle Loranger invites the crowd to help themselves to breakfast, including Senator Michael Rodrigues and Representative Patricia Haddad, right. (Bottom row) Durfee High School Adjustment Counselor Michaela Hetzler and Sharon DeCosta speak during the hour-long program, and Ms. Auclair talks with Southcoast Hospitals Community Benefits Director Kerry Mello afterwards. 

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