Parents and children were invited to take part in kindergarten registration for students enrolling in the Fall River Public Schools at the Fall River Children's Museum on August 5, 2014. The event was held "after hours" from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. to make it easier on working parents. The event targeted all children through the age of five to stress  the importance of early education, the early childhood programs available, and the support services available to families. "We also made it a fun family event," noted Executive Director Jo-Anne Sbrega" We have lots of community partners with us here this evening, lots of give-aways, and lots of great information about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles, and literacy and so-forth," she added. The free event was sponsored in part by BayCoast Bank who provided free tee shirts using the logo "Ed Up" from the Chamber of Commerce encouraging early childhood education. Click here for a two-minute video tour. Click here for photos of last year's Grand Opening at the Museum. For more information or to volunteer time or donate money, go to the web page or call 508-672-0033.

(Top row) Fall River School Parent Information Coordinator Barbara Allard and Children's Museum Executive Director Jo-Anne Sbrega are at the door to greet parents who arrive to register their children for kindergarten. (Middle row) Katie Pascoal and Christie Sbrega prepare popcorn to give to the children as Dietitian Pam Bermudez and Dental Outreach Parent Coordinator Betty Nunes, both of the HealthFirst Familly Care Center, talk with a parent. (Bottom row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks with parents Johanna Morales and Maria Oddin and their children about reducing sugar in their diet.



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